Are outstanding debts threatening your business?

O.R.C. SA - Debt Collecting and Consulting Office- deals with your debtors and collects the outstanding debts for you.

Usually conciliatory, but if necessary by using legal proceedings, our methods for collecting debts, offer you the certainty of a rapid and inexpensive debt collection.

Learn more about our strengths

Learn more about our strengths

What are the causes of insolvency?

What are the causes of insolvency?

Here are the most common causes of insolvency for businesses and the threat of the snowball effect of payment defaults.

When your customers become insolvent, you in turn can hurt other businesses, increasing the damage. At 78%, bad debt losses are the number one risk of business failure.

Uncollected debts 78%
Customers who are slow to pay 67%
Fonds propres insuffisants 57%
Insufficient own funds 55%
Frais salariaux trop élevés 44%
Reduced/deleted credit lines 44%
Financing costs too high 41%
Bad economic climate 30%

Our services

Our services

Our services range from the amicable collection of unpaid invoices to the judicial handling of disputed debts, including the dunning and follow-up of certificates of default. The collection methodology used is adapted to the specificities of each case.

  1. 1 A mastery of procedures
  2. 2 A negotiating force
  3. 3 A service adapted to everyone's needs, from individuals to large organisations



O.R.C. SA Office de Recouvrement de Créances - Inkasso manages your debtors and collects outstanding debts on your behalf. Benefit from more than 20 years of experience in accompanying creditors.



Please contact us for information or an appointment, we will be happy to process your request without delay.